Monday, 16 June 2014

Talk 2 me....

I believe in making good choices. Sounds so elementary, I know, but I also think that making good choices is very difficult. Our culture is confusing. Our emotions are driving. Our instincts can be less than trustworthy. I think it’s important to sort through all of these things and make great choices. 

Our choices affect everything. They affect others in ways that we cannot imagine when we make our choices. And, since my choices affect you, and yours affect me, I think it’s logical to discuss those choices in an open and honest way. I want to wrestle with issues together. I want to pursue “the most right choices.”

I’m incredibly dissatisfied with the way “discussion” is handled in our society. For a long time now, I’ve felt as if we, as a whole, are just missing EVERYTHING. 

I know so many people who have literally given up on conversation because they find it’s just too difficult to communicate. 
  • They have retreated into themselves as a sort of self-defense. 
  • They have thoughts they feel no one else could understand. 
  • They have feelings they believe no one else cares about. 
  • When they do try to be vulnerable, they frequently get hurt by the person they trusted, so they no longer open up. 
  • There’s the overwhelming feeling (amongst the people I know) that it’s just better not to discuss deeper issues. 

We try to keep it light. We discuss the weather, we praise art and music, and we spend a large amount of time examining our favorite TV shows and movies. We bond, but we don’t really know each other.


Mentoring Cave 1

Finding your soulmate